500 more signatures by end of first day Add
your name

The call received worldwide coverage. You can follow links to
the items we have come across.

  • In an unprecedented statement university teachers say they
    will not do business with Israel’s university institutions
    and system.
  • Professors and lecturers, Fellows of the Royal Society and
    Fellows of the British Academy say they will not visit Israel’s
  • Academics from across 72 different institutions have made
    the Commitment, more expected to follow as campaign grows.
  • Full page advertisement in The Guardian newspaper
    on 26 October announces launch of the Commitment.
  • Israeli universities are “deeply complicit” with
    Israeli violations of international law.

A commitment signed by 343 academics across UK’s higher
education system says they will not accept invitations for academic
visits to Israel. They will not act as referees in activities
related to Israel academic institutions, or cooperate in any other
way with Israeli universities

This Academic Commitment is a response to the appeal for such
action by Palestinian academics and civil society due to the deep
complicity of Israeli academic institutions in Israeli violations
of international law. Signatories have pledged to continue their
commitment until Israel complies with international law, and respects
Palestinian human rights.

View a copy of
the Guardian advertisement

Read the press release from
the commitment organisers