Palestine: Memory, Identity, Resistance

BRICUP Seminar Series 2023-4

All seminars are on-line events and take place at 18.00-19.30 London time. They consist of a presentation by the guest lecturer, an exchange with a discussant, and then questions and contributions. All participants are expected to read a short extract of the relevant text in advance, around which the discussion will revolve. Advance registration is necessary. (See link below)

Thursday 26th October 2023

Professor Ilan Pappe

University of Exeter

Israel’s Identity Crisis, Palestinian Resistance


Thursday 9th November 2023

Dr. Ghada Karmi

Physician, academic and writer

One State!


Thursday 30th November

Professor Rebecca Ruth Gould

SOAS University of London

Erasing Palestine


Thursday 8th February 2024

Dr. Hil Aked

Independent Researcher

The Backlash Against Solidarity


Thursday 7th March

Professor Rashid Khalidi

Colombia University NY

Britain, Ireland and Palestine in the Wake of the First World War


Thursday 25th April

Professor Avi Shlaim

University of Oxford

Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab Jew