Israeli universities are proclaiming how they have supported the attack
on Gaza.

Tel Aviv University dean Yoav Ariel told his students “The university
is proud of all its students and thanks those who did reserve service,
I wish us all a swift return to our blessed routine.” The university
had already announced last month that it would be providing one year
of tuition stipends to soldiers.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem sent out a letter declaring “The
university is joining the war effort to support its warrior students,
in order to minimize the financial burden” on those who were called
up to join the attack on Gaza. The university called on “friends
and alumni” to donate to a special scholarship fund and links
to a donation page that allows gifts to be earmarked for the “Protective
Edge” fund.

On 11 August, Haifa Rector David Faraji wrote to soldiers informing
them that “… blesses your return and expresses great appreciation
for your activity and contribution within the framework of your service
in Operation Protective Edge.” His letter provides “details
of the adjustments and benefits that have been decided upon, jointly
with the student union.”

“Warrior students”: How Israeli universities are supporting war crimes
in Gaza
– Electronic Intifada gives a fuller account of the actions
of these and other Universities