Professor Martha Mundy, one of the founders of BRICUP has been under
sustained attack by the Jewish Chronicle and subjected to abuse on Harry’s
Place and other Zionist hate blogs. In early December 2010, Martha chaired
a meeting at LSE addressed by leading Arab journalist Abdel Bari Atwan
following which a mendacious and defamatory press release was issued
by the LSE Israel Society accusing her of complicity in criminal verbal
attacks on Jews. While these charges have been comprehensively dismissed
by the management of LSE after exhaustive enquiry, the attacks on Martha
have accelerated.

Following a debate on the Academic Boycott at LSE on 13 January, sponsored
jointly by the LSE Palestine and Israel Societies, on leaving with a
student Martha was accosted and taunted that she should learn what fair
chairing was, and when she reponded, they proceeded to describe the
incident as threatening behaviour by Professor Mundy in an account published
in the Jewish Chronicle. Following the publication Martha has received
vulgar and threatening emails.

BRICUP offers its full support to Martha Mundy and will assist, in
any way it can, her complaint to the Jewish Chronicle about inaccurate
and derogatory reporting. Martha is also receiving full support form
UCU, her trade union.

report in the Jewish Chronicle

Martha Mundy’s letter to the editor
of the JC