The UK Methodist Conference adopted a report highly critical of Israel’s policy towards Palestinians, despite heavy lobbying by the Board of Deputies and the Chief Rabbi. They went on to adopt a policy of boycotting settlement goods. Observers at the conference believe that so great was the revulsion of Israel’s actions that there would have neen a majority for a full boycott.

In the US the United Methodists Northern Illinois Conference voted to divest from companies profiting from Israel’s occupation. They said:

Divestment is a nonviolent form of economic protest long-used by churches and other shareholders to encourage companies to end unjust practices. By selling its investments in Caterpillar (CAT), General Electric (GE) and Terex (TEX), the NIC expresses its commitment to do no harm with its investments and affirms the call of the UMC Book of Discipline to “avoid investments that appear likely, directly or indirectly, to support violation of human rights.”

Read the UK Methodist report and resolutions
Report of Illanois move
Church boycott calls ring louder