Palestinian and Israeli human rights organisations, note that by agreeing
to reconstruction without specific, binding assurances from the State
of Israel, international donors are effectively underwriting Israel’s
illegal actions in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). International
law – including, international human rights law, international
humanitarian law (IHL), and the law of state responsibility for wrongful
acts – places specific, binding obligations on the State of Israel
(based, inter alia, on its duties as an Occupying Power) with respect
to the maintenance and development of normal life in occupied territory.
By repeatedly restricting their action to providing aid, without holding
Israel accountable for its specific obligations, international donors
are relieving Israel of its legally binding responsibilities… [signed
by 14 civil society organisations] full

A3. Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Organizations, Call for an End to International Donor Complicity in Israeli Violations of International Law, 4 May 2009 (excerpts) | Institute for Palestine Studies (