Remains of mosque in Tantura ruins

Remains of mosque in Tantura ruins
Photo by Zalameh Zalameh at Zochrot

Jonathan Ofir conducted a long interview with Teddy
Katz. Katz was a student of Ilan Pappé at Haifa University
who wrote his masters thesis on The Tantura massacre in May 1948,
committed by Haganah forces just days after the declaration of
the State of Israel. Katz’s well researched thesis contradicted
the Zionist narrative of a humane occupation of Palestinian land.

Katz came under enormous pressure to renounce his research and
the interview reveals how he came, under duress to sign a recantation.

The interview reveals how Israel’s commitment to
academic freedom abruptly terminates when researchers reveal the
basic flaws in the State’s Zionist narrative.

read interview
in Mondoweiss